Puddletown First School is committed to safeguarding all our children, all staff and volunteers are subject to rigorous checks including DBS checks

Our school ethos and values

Puddletown First school's values and ethos
At Puddletown First School we believe that all children will make a contribution to our school and the wider community. We aim to foster self belief in each child for an infinite capacity for improvement, we believe in the power of 'yet'. Not 'I can't do it' but rather 'I can't do it....yet.' 
We encourage the children to embrace challenge and to see mistakes as part of a learning process.
We have adopted four core values which we build our school upon;


Accepting responsibility for our actions and the effect they have on ourselves and others.

Accepting responsibility to use our talents to their full.

Learning to accept responsibility for stewardship of the world.



Accepting the differences of others.

Showing empathy and compassion for others.



Learning to understand that forgiveness needs to be given and accepted and that this can be challenging.

Understanding that forgiveness can help to repair damage or hurt made.

Understanding that we all make mistakes and that we can learn from them.



Understanding that fairness is important for all.

Fairness and justice can mean supporting some more than others.

Understanding that we all have a role to play in creating a fair world.

As a Church School these stem from the example and teachings of Jesus and are used across our Collective Worship when we use the example of Christ as the Light in the World. We believe that all our children have the capacity to shine through the enactment of these values and celebrate success through our 'Shining Light' award.
We believe that through these values and the ethos of family and close community that we build at Puddletown First our children will learn to be world citizens who uphold the values of a modern, enlightened, inclusive and democratic society.

Puddletown First School’s Commitments


At Puddletown Church of England First School we are committed to;


  • providing a safe, caring, Christian environment where everyone is valued and respected
  • inspiring children to view learning as a positive experience in which they are able to identify personal development and progress and are equipped for their continuous learning journey
  • helping the children recognise and appreciate their individual talents
  • developing children with high expectations who are resourceful, resilient and persevering learners who embrace challenge
  • encouraging positive relationships between children, staff, parents and the wider community through respect and empathy
  • recognising our Christian foundations and heritage in our service to the children, parents and community
  •        providing a broad curriculum which provides all children with an inspirational foundation for learning that recognises and celebrates the diversity and qualities of the individual
  •        providing a fully inclusive environment regardless of race, gender or religion that promotes tolerance and respect for all
  •        providing opportunity for children to explore issues of spirituality and the meaning and significance of faith
  •        continually striving for the best for and from our children and itself, recognising that this is a process of ongoing improvement